On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Michael Brutman wrote:
> First problem: loaddskf will NOT write my 360KB images to
> a real 360KB diskette drive. It complains about an unsupported
> drive type.
Are the diskettes already formatted? On THAT drive? With which version
of the OS? (loaddskf might be unable to recognize the drive or diskette
format from other versions)
> Second problem: I have two PCjrs for testing, and neither of
> the two can read the diskettes created on my big machine. The
> diskettes are being created using a real 360KB diskette drive,
> yet they are barely readable in the two PCjrs. (They are
> usually completely unreadable.)
Before you take hardware that may or may not be working, and change it
over to other hardware that may or may not work, it's worth at least
paying attention to the existing clues.
Some other tests to try before changing the hardware:
1) find a disk that does read properly on the Jr. Bring it over to the
AT, and do a DISKCOPY from that diskette to a VIRGIN DD (NOT
HD!!!) diskette. Will the resulting diskette read on the Jr?
2) take a diskette that is readable on the Jr. Bring it over to the AT,
and ERASE one file. Is the DIRectory still readable on the JR?
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Tue Jul 03 2001 - 11:46:42 BST