Looking for Vance Dereksen/Shridar Ayengar (OT, sorry)

From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>
Date: Thu Jul 5 01:42:35 2001

I'm looking for him too, I'm guessing his domain data is screwed up,
certainly the DNS records are not correct.

At 12:18 PM 7/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I hate to put this on the list but I am unable to get Sridhar Ayengar
>(Vance Dereksen) concerning some books he wanted. I need to hear from him
>in the next few days or another buyer/recipient/etc will be found.
>Peace...and write me...
Received on Thu Jul 05 2001 - 01:42:35 BST

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