John Foust skrev:
>It's always embarassing for me to have to ask Amiga questions
>here, but here goes...
>I'd like to make archival copies of the hard disk partitions
>in an A2000 and an A4000. I've got network cards and NFS running,
>so I want to find a tool for the Amiga that will convert a hard
>disk partition to an .HDF file that will mount under WinUAE.
I did archival copies today, but they're on a DDS tape. =)
>For example, I'd mount my NT machine's P: drive as NTp: on
>the Amiga, and the utility would write directly to "NTp:foo.hdf".
>I tried this once before with 'packdev' and no compression,
>but the results apparently weren't .HDF files and crashed
>the WinUAE emulator.
Haven't they once changed the format too, or was that just the addition of the
.HDF extension?
>Am I missing something obvious, like that the ADF-based tools
>will work with hard disks, too?
I recall reading a document about how someone transferred his HD to a HDF
file, and I actually believe that he used Transdisk. OTOH you could try
connecting the drives directly to the PC and do a "dd" or similar.
Well, at least it's doable.
Another idea would be to start UAE, install AmiTCP, or at least amiganetfs,
and transfer the disk contents that way.
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
- Hur tar du bilder fr?n TVn?
- Jag anv?nder mig av en digitalkamera och fixar s? det blir m?rkt i rummet
och kn?pper sedan bilden.
- Hur g?r du dina mp3or?
- Jag kopplar ett par h?rlurar till TVn, s?tter en mic framf?r h?rlurarna och
spelar in med valfritt inspelningsprogram.
Jenny Hannula
Received on Thu Jul 05 2001 - 18:04:33 BST