On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Gene Ehrich wrote:
> I have a set of DOS 3.30 disks which comprise the following:
> 1. startup disk,
> 2. operating disk
> 3. missing
> 4. help disk.
> Can anybody tell me what should be on the missing disk 3 and what will
> happen if I try to install it?
It depends on whether it is PC-DOS or MS-DOS, and if MS-DOS, which
company's release. So long as one of the disks has COMMAND.COM and the
[invisible] IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS (or IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM) then you
can install it without using MICROS~1's INSTALL or SETUP.
What you are missing would presumably be some of the programs that come
with DOS. Some are easier to do without than others.
If it is MS-DOS (v PC-DOS), then IO.SYS and MODE.COM may be customized for
a particular manufacturer's machines (Internal/external video, possibly
some special disk formats, etc.)
3.30 has full support for 1.4M floppies (although the BIOS might
not), and will support hard drives up to 32M.
3.31 (not available in PC-DOS) supports drives above 32M (although there
could be some other limitations, such as 500M or 8G)
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin_at_xenosoft.com
Received on Thu Jul 05 2001 - 22:11:50 BST