You seem to be wrong on both counts (don't take personal offense to that...).
Check this out:,2933,28855,00.html
You don't actually believe that you would be informed that your state
government was going to be watching did you?
I didn't know that my state government (Texas) was watching license plates
at the borders. I make trips to Louisiana quite frequently to visit family.
Gives me the shivers.....
- Matt
>> I'm thinking of those cameras attached to computers which are
>>being used in Florida to identify and track people, based on their
>>facial features, walking on the streets and sidewalks, in an attempt
>>to "catch criminals."
> WHAT??? where did you hear that? I live in Florida and I've never
> heard it.
> You'd guess wrong too! We have very few cameras here. The ones
> that we have are mainly located in banks, ATMs, convience stores and the
> like. We have very few cameras in public areas.
> Joe
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" - Adolf Hitler
Many thanks for this tagline to a fellow RGVAC'er...
Received on Fri Jul 06 2001 - 11:19:59 BST