2116 and other old memory chips

From: Bob Shannon <bshannon_at_tiac.net>
Date: Sat Jul 7 09:48:39 2001

2115 drams are 3 rail.

2114 srams are 5 volts only.

2104 drams are also 3 rail.

Louis Schulman wrote:

> I am in the process of attempting to repair, with Pete Turnbull's
> invaluable guidance, an Exidy Sorcerer.
> The manual recites that the memory chips, depending on configuration,
> are 2104 (4k) or 2116 (16k).
> A casual perusal of chip sources shows that most begin their dynamic
> ram sections with 4116 chips. The only mention I have found of 2116
> chips is in a reference to the original IMSAI memory board.
> So, my questions are: Are 2116 chips 3-rail? Are 4116 chips
> equivalent? Does anyone have a source for 2116 chips, if they are not
> equivalent? What about 2114 static ram (used in the video section of
> the Exidy)? Same problems? Were they all three rail?
> A general lecture on the nature of old memory chips and their use and
> selection would be very helpful (hint to Tony Duell).
> Thanks, Louis
Received on Sat Jul 07 2001 - 09:48:39 BST

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