Asante EN SC

From: Mike Ford <>
Date: Sat Jul 7 18:24:07 2001

>>> asking $300. I did pick up a couple of Asante boxy SCSI<->Ethernet
>>> adapters, complete with docs, cables and software for $8, bare box
>>> only, $5.
>>Whoa! and where?! I think I missed the original message. Been looking for
>>a SCSI ENet dongle for my SE/30 for some time!
>Aren't they as common as dirt? There are lots of them at my local electronicws
>surplus shop, and they often show up in auctions.

These boxes work with any mac that has a SCSI port, but the primary use was
with the early powerbooks that lacked both expansion and ethernet. As those
early powerbooks were surplussed, so were the EN SC boxes, which means tons
a few years ago, and now barely a trickle. Selling them has gone a bit
backwards, as most with powerbooks that could use them have them, but
plenty of compact mac users want them so they don't have to open up their
macs to install one of the ethernet cards.
Received on Sat Jul 07 2001 - 18:24:07 BST

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