Celebration (intended to be offensive, possible humor)

From: Sellam Ismail <foo_at_siconic.com>
Date: Sat Jul 7 23:21:08 2001

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> laws aren't perfect. Laws are the minimal conduct needed from every
> citizen in order to have a liveable society. If you don't care to
> live in a society with a given set of laws, you should leave. If

Then fucking GO already, since you obviously don't like the existing laws
here in the US!!!

> behavior within a given society. If you don't want to adhere to those
> minimae, then you should be ejaculated from the society. Surely

So we would get to go out in a stream of semen with a smile on our face?

> there's someplace that will tolerate your behavior, but others, those
> willing to behave within the legal standards, shouldn't have to
> tolerate your antisocial and extralegal behavior.

I get it, this is some kind of joke, right? "Dick" is really just a bot
that spews forth obnoxious and inflammatory rhetoric just so the list will
always go wildly off-topic. Ok, who subscribed him?

> If you don't like a law, then set about to change it within the
> system. In the meantime, however, you must still behave as a law
> abiding citizen. Part of effecting change involves work and
> suffering, the rest is waiting.

Yeah, I'll go about my merry way while you try to get the law changed so
that the next time I use a naughty word in an e-mail message I'll be put
to death.

> You enjoy the freedoms you enjoy only because others, less selfish
> than you repress their urge to harm you whenever your extralegal
> behavior irritates them. If you KNEW for certain that someone else
> would take it upon himself to punish you by some equally illegal act,
> and any illegal act is equally illegal, you might not behave as you
> do.

Ok, I waited to get sober before commenting on this part, but it still
doesn't make any sense.

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
Received on Sat Jul 07 2001 - 23:21:08 BST

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