Way too much computer stuff in my basement...any good ebay alternatives for unloading some of this? (ebay seller must now give credit card AND bank account info!)

From: Stefan <stefan_at_softhome.net>
Date: Sun Jul 8 06:48:18 2001

Hi Claude,

You could try my site where I have an "Old Computer Market" where anybody
can post there adds completely for free. Check it out at
http://www.oldcomputercollection.com and select "Old Computer Market".

Stefan Mansier.

At 01:29 8-7-01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all
>Some of you probably have seen some of my posts.
>I have given away a lot of computer stuff vintage and semi-vintage and
>traded a lot. I have trashed a lot lately.
>I recent years, I have accumulated way too much computer stuff (mostly
>vintage and semi-vintage) in my basement...I can only trade so much and
>trades arent really helping with the "space issue"...
>I dont wanna junk it and can see most of it can be used...I have paid some
>money for most of this...
>I have always "boycotted" ebay as both a seller and a buyer...now online
>auctions look like the only way to unload quickly the tons of stuff I
>have... Ill have to pack and ship but I was ready to give it a
>shot....rather then junk tons of working computers...and related equip...
>I have now gotten "cold feet" from signing up as a seller on US ebay (with
>good reason!) since now they ask for both credit card and complete checking
>bank account info!!! (how bout my fingerprints and social security no...?)
>Thats way too much info too have "floating around on the net" for me...even
>just giving my credit card is "unconfortable" for me...
>I can only imagine the ebay seller sign-ups going way down now...I know
>there is a lotta fraud on ebay but this is not a good idea for ebay IMO...
>I have also heard horror stories like paypal fetching funds from sellers
>bank accounts when stuff was undelivered or problems happened...gee...
>I could sign up for ebay canada, they only ask for credit card info (weird
>hey?) but would not be able to have the stuff listed on the US ebay....I
>have to open up a new account and given the bank account info to be on US
>So anybody with any good alternatives to ebay?
Received on Sun Jul 08 2001 - 06:48:18 BST

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