holy grail found

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Sun Jul 8 15:02:39 2001

>On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Mike Ford wrote:
>> > The IIc+ has a "memory expansion" socket like an enhanced-type IIc,
>> >: but Apple (brand) IIc RAM expansion boards don't work in IIc+'s!
>> Alltech still sells a 1 MB memory expansion, only $119.
>> http://www.allelec.com/hardwapp.htm
>Damn, what a bargain. I'll bet all 2 remaining loyal //c users are
>beating a path to their storefront.

Actually I emailed them to see if I could cut a deal on a Focus drive and
memory expansion. (I have a few sealed cases of a part they have been out
of stock for a bit on).
Received on Sun Jul 08 2001 - 15:02:39 BST

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