John Rollins skrev:
>>You don't even need any particular tools, contrary
>>to popular belief. Just a nice flat screwdriver, preferably a long one,
>Actually, you do need a nice long Torx-15. Gotta be skinny to get the
>screws underneath the handle on top. You don't really need one of
>these cracker deals, I've never had a problem gently pulling back and
>forth on the case to get it loose, although something to pry with
>that won't mar the case is always handy and gets things going a
>little faster.
As I said, you don't need any fancy Torx drivers, just a preoperly dimensioned
flat one and some patience. That's how I've opened the majority of my Macs up.
>Glad I have an EN-SC, though. Don't have the network setup yet, but
>I've got everything I need except the Cat5 cable. I think the Mac
>drivers are still online. Hope I still have mine around...
I believe mine has self-ignited, because it smells a bit and the installation
software just hangs when it's plugged in. Now it's gained a useful purpose as
an intermediary in the usergroup SCSI chain, alleviating the shortage of
CEN50-CEN50 cables. =)
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with
Received on Sun Jul 08 2001 - 08:06:07 BST