X-10 (was Re: controlling power)

From: Neil Cherry <ncherry_at_home.com>
Date: Mon Jul 9 00:35:36 2001

Eric Chomko wrote:
> "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" wrote:
> > On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Don Maslin wrote:
> > > Yes Eric, I also use X-10 to control the lights in my house. It is
> > > handled by the small controller that plugs into a wall socket and is
> > > programmed by a Radio Shack Color Computer. It has been chuggig along
> > > for about 30 years.
> >
> > Uhhhh, I think that that would be TWENTY years, unless that was a very
> > early preproduction prototype of the Coco.
> Yes, that begs the question: how old is X-10? CoCo's are 20+, but how old is
> X-10?
> Eric

X10 was marketed to Radio Shack in 1978 and the first review of it was
in 1979. So it's a lot closer to 22 years old. Motorola had limited
produced the 6809 in 78/79 (no where near '71). Wasn't this issue
cleared up before? I think Don just missed a digit by one.

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             ncherry_at_home.net
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Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 00:35:36 BST

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