> > http://www.danielcurran.com/vms/vms_hist.html
> Is he thinking of the port of EDT to native mode?
> I thought EVE TPU stuff came out in 3.x...
I don't know, one thing I found interesting is he lists V2.5 coming out
prior to V2.2. I've no idea where he dug up any of this info, or even who's
web pages these are. Still I found the timetable and the rest of the pages
interesting as this is the first time I've seen a lot of the info there,
even if it does have some errors. I'd really like to know where he got all
the minimum version info for the various systems! Though some how I don't
think V1.5 was the minimum for a VAX-11/780.
Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 16:42:58 BST