Correct installation of a 2716 eprom

From: Michael Davidson <>
Date: Mon Jul 9 21:14:59 2001

Louis Schulman wrote:
> Another simple question. When a standard single-rail 2716 is installed
> in a computer, what do you do with the Vpp pin? Tie high, low, or
> leave alone? If tying, what, if any value resistor should be used?

For normal operation the Vpp pin should be set to Vcc (ie +5v)

Most semiconductor manufacturers have datasheets available on the web.

If you don't know where to look, then you can usually get a pretty good
set of relevant results from a search engine if you search for the right

For example, if you go to, search for:

2716 eprom datasheet

and follow the first link, then you will pretty soon find your way to:

and then

which is what you were looking for.
Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 21:14:59 BST

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