Historically interesting (?) 'scope to anyone offeingr me anything interesting worth under $10
Dig out your old BYTE magazines and look for an early Circuit Cellar
article about X-Y plotting. In it you will find a picture of a Heathkit
IO-105 dual-trace 'scope. Well friends, THAT VERY SAME 'scope can be
YOURS! This scope was PERSONALLY owned by Steve Ciarcia and became a
fixture at the Circuit Cellar (even has a BEAUTIFUL, PROFESSIONALLY
CRAFTED Circuit Cellar mylar sticker adorning the case) - and for an
extra $5 I think I can get him to autograph it with an engraving tool
(sorry - seeing that post about DAK making a comeback has obviously done
strange things to my brain)
All seriousness aside, I got this from Steve, and it is in very good
condition with only one small problem - it immediately blows its fuse
whenever you turn it on. I loved Heathkits - they were just my speed -
I could follow instructions, measure and cut wire, and I could grab the
cool end of a soldering iron over 60% of the time. But without a manual
and with no formal or informal training in electronics, to me it's just
a boat anchor. I was going to toss it, but if anyone wants it, I can A)
bring it to VCF East, or B) have it packed and shipped (it's heavy,
bulky and obviously at least the tube itself is breakable). Just to
make thing things interesting, anyone who can offer me a book, old
computer magazine, Infocom CP/M disk or manual, NEC V-20, anything
vaguely CP/M or 8080 / Z-80 /S-100 related, it's yours. No takers - its
off to SallyAnn or Good Will (with a note attached stating its
fuse-blowing propensity). Decision by the judges is final. Offer good
only as long as I feel like it. For a list of the winner, send a SASE
Bob Stek
Saver of Lost Sols
Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 18:59:42 BST
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