Anyone with info on Cipher C8803 tape drives?

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Thu Jul 12 06:38:46 2001

> Does anyone have documentation and/or cabling and interface info (physical
> and/or software) for this drive? Or know of a scanned or other online
> reference for it? From what I read, Seagate ate Connor ate Archive ate
> and there's nothing left.

At one time, there was a college with a lab who had a Cipher F880 and
had a PDF of the maintenance manual... I downloaded it, but seem to
have lost the PDF. All I can find is the printed copy. This is maybe
a different drive, but I'd be shocked if the interface wasn't either
SCSI or Pertec.

-doug q
Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 06:38:46 BST

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