Collecting vs. My Wife

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Thu Jul 12 12:16:14 2001

>Zane H. Healy skrev:
>>OTOH, a certain part of my interest in collecting classic computers has
>>shifted over to collecting old video game systems and games, as that's
>>something we can enjoy together. The scary thing with that is she's
>>encouraging me to get a Neo Geo arcade machine! Anyone know of any cheap
>>ones in the Portland, OR area?
>It's too bad SNK went under a few months ago. Now who will tend to my 2D
>gaming interests? Arcade halls will never be the same again. =(

Say, what?!?!?! I know they pulled out of the US, but as far as I know
they're still alive and well in Japan. In fact they just released "Metal
Slug X" for the Playstation 1.

| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| (primary)    | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Classic Computer Collector |
|     Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing,    |
|                   and Zane's Computer Museum.                 |
|                     |
Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 12:16:14 BST

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