Collecting vs. My Wife

From: McFadden, Mike <>
Date: Thu Jul 12 15:40:41 2001

Regarding wives, computers, and airports
Actually I live across the street from a grass airport. Unlighted no flying
after dark. I've only had 1 plane crash land there and he walked up and
knocked on my door during dinner. He selected our airport because he didn't
want to scratch his airplane on a paved strip. The neighborhood is buying
the airport for a park, instead of more houses.

My wife humors me about computers mainly because I'm not adverse to boats.
The other side of my house is on a lake.

Regarding TZ867 and TZ857 DLT library loaders. I have one of each and want
to get rid of them. Any interest?

Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 15:40:41 BST

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