>We need to recognize, Tony, that there are a vast number of people out
>there who firmly believe that if they are not running Windoze or Macos
>that it is impossible to do anything productive.
Which is pretty funny since productive things on computers
were being accomplished decades before either one of them showed up.
There are also a lot of people who don't realize that there exists
any type of system other than a Windows box There just aren't that
many people willing to go further to learn about stuff. They want it
fed to them by the advertising agencies without having to put forth
any further effort. Of course, if they do ask an 'expert' about
something, they'll often reinforce such thinking because it's their
bread and butter.
Getting back on the original comment though, there are few
systems that I have here that I would truly call useless, and that
would likely be more due to lack of knowledge on my part than
shortcomings on the system's part. Even my Timex-Sinclair has it's
simple uses.
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Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 16:20:37 BST