--- Gene Buckle <geneb_at_deltasoft.com> wrote:
> Actually I was able to get to the HanaHo site with no problems at all
> after you posted the URL... I just wish they made a modular one that
> had a spinning knob in it so I could play Tempest
> *properly*. *laughs*
I've torn apart an ancient Microsoft Mouse (it's > 10 years and *on topic*),
mounted the guts upside-down on a block of wood with the X and Y shafts
coming out the top, and turned it into a spinner.
The advantage of the ancient mice is that the quadrature encoder is
mechanical, not optical, and a discrete component. Much easier to
mount than a toothed plastic wheel molded onto a plastic shaft.
Plays Tempest and Star Trek very well under MAME.
Visit "The Seventh Continent"
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Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 20:14:34 BST