The actual experience doesn't quite compare though, in the case of a game
like Gauntlet where one could insert infinite "virtual" quarters and get all
the life they want. I have a homebuilt MAME cabinet, wired to a coin box, i
think the experience is better, plus i can rip off alll my game-loving
----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Hellige <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: Collecting vs. My Wife
> >Arcade games are quite an intensive experience, and emulations really
> >live up to that experience. Besides, that would involve some rather
> >PC equipment anyway, not to mention the sensation of playing a mock-up
> >time.
> MAME and other such emulations are great for those without
> the resources to actually posess the actual arcade cabinets. I for
> one would love to pick up an original Zaxxon machine but have nowhere
> to store such a beast. On a big screen monitor though, MAME comes
> pretty darned close, and since it's running the actual ROM code from
> the arcade machine, all the programming quirks are there even if some
> of the hardware quirks aren't.
> Jeff
> --
> Collector of Classic Microcomputers and Video Game Systems:
> Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
Received on Thu Jul 12 2001 - 23:02:45 BST