The Imlac may live for VCF!

From: Tom Uban <>
Date: Fri Jul 13 21:15:43 2001

Well, I managed to find some time to see if the old Imlac would fire
up in time for VCF East. It hasn't run in probably 10 years and so I
pulled all of the cards, plugged it in and turned on the switch. Poof!
The main fuse blew -- darn! After a quick look over, I put in a new
fuse and tried it one more time. This time it didn't blow and some of
the supplies actually came up. I reseated a couple of edge connectors
and tried one more time and all five main supplies came up! Woohoo!!!

If things continue with this much luck, I may decide to bring this
beast to VCF East this year... If not there is always next year.

More news as it occurs.

Received on Fri Jul 13 2001 - 21:15:43 BST

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