It's Alive, ALIVE!

From: Rich Beaudry <>
Date: Mon Jul 16 15:42:13 2001

Hello to all,

Just wanted to share a very tiny, but nonetheless important moment for me.
Took a homebrewed S-100 power supply, connected it to a nice Wameco
motherboard (thanks ajp!), threw in a Cromemco SCC (thanks Mike for the
monitor and Control Basic), and was greeted by a wonderful "OK >" prompt on
my terminal. "QUIT" out to the monitor prompt (":"), and fooled around a
bit, then a "B" back into Control Basic.

Not much I admit, but a working SCC, good EPROMs, and a working
PS/motherboard... It felt really good.

Next up, I added a Cromemco 8K ByteSaver II, and read out some 2708s. I
tried to program a couple, but got stymied. I think I just need to do more
"R"ing of TFM. Neat to finally be able to at least read them out.

All I need to do is throw in a couple of 16K Static RAM cards, and either a
Cromemco TUART or a Godbout Interfacer, and I'll be rocking a bit! Final
test is the Dynabyte floppy controller!

Baby steps, I admit, but still felt cool....

Rich B.
Received on Mon Jul 16 2001 - 15:42:13 BST

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