Macintosh Quadra

From: John Rollins <>
Date: Mon Jul 16 19:34:47 2001

>Hi. I'm not sure if it's ten years old yet, but here goes. I was
>wondering if it were possible to upgrade my Macintosh Quadra 800 to 68060?
>What are my options? I really don't want to go PowerPC.
First, there were no 68060 Macs(they went PPC after the 040), and as
best as I can remember, there were no 060 upgrades and if there were
I doubt that MacOS would support it. I think an 040 would be just
fine... But why don't you want to go to PPC? The only upgrades I can
think of are PPC 601 and fast(like maybe 50MHz) 68040s. Might be able
to find those upgrade cards on eBay or the Mac newsgroups.
|                   |
|  KD7BCY          |
Received on Mon Jul 16 2001 - 19:34:47 BST

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