Apple II for intro to microprocessors

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Thu Jul 19 13:33:21 2001

--- Sellam Ismail <> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > ISTR this came up a while back - did we establish there *was* a way to
> > take AppleDOS disk images and cut 5.25" diskettes on some flavor of
> > Mac, or is a IIGS required? (I forget if you could hang any external
> > 5.25" disks off the Mac (voltage issues) or even of you could, would
> > the IWM know what to do with it or not).
> I'll leave the more informed reply to the more informed but I am positive
> you can't hook an Apple ][ drive to a Mac. You can probably do it through
> an Apple ][ card (I have one for the LC but can't find it right now to
> check the connectors on the back).

Makes sense. Fortunately for me, I *have* an LC with that card (and a cable,
thanks to Mike Ford). I will pursue that avenue for cutting AppleDOS disks.


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