OT: DSL Woes

From: mjsnodgr_at_rockwellcollins.com <(mjsnodgr_at_rockwellcollins.com)>
Date: Thu Jul 19 16:25:20 2001

Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>@classiccmp.org on 07/19/2001 03:21:47

Please respond to classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org

Sent by: owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org

To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org

Subject: Re: OT: DSL Woes (was RE: Plato terminal

At 01:31 PM 7/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm troubled by the desire of companies to provide mission critical
>over consumer quality telecommunication and computer equipment.

And you wonder why they went out of business? DSL can be much more reliable
than Cable Modems but it does have to be installed properly, and you need
to have the correct filter at the junction box to prevent interference with
line noise.



Very true. Qwest (Formerly U.S.Worst,er West) in Cedar Rapids Iowa has
fairly decent DSL. They don't futz around with your computer like the _at_Home
cable modem folks do. I've had 256k DSL for about 9 months now and had
about 37 minutes of down time. (~20 min, and then ~17 min a couple months
later) Of course I live in a bedroom community about 5 blocks from the
TelCo switch. <grin>

My only gripe is that the Cisco 675 DSL router/modem they sold me MUST be
in routing mode, not bridging mode, and it does not have the capability to
do port forwarding. <sigh> So you can't run a server to save your soul.

     - M.S.
Received on Thu Jul 19 2001 - 16:25:20 BST

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