Alpha CPUs & motherboards

From: Dave McGuire <>
Date: Fri Jul 20 12:26:24 2001

On July 20, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > > have preferred that the Alpha go on, but the real point is the
> > > OS, not the CPU.
> >
> > Well, for some folks, maybe. If someone sticks me in a project with a
> > crappy OS, I will find the source and fix it (unless it's Windoze, of
> > course, but I don't consider that an OS!)...whereas if someone sticks
> > me with a crappy processor, well, there's little one can do.
> I meant the point is the OS (OpenVMS) and not the CPU (VAX, Alpha, IPF),
> not the OS vs. the CPU in general.

  Ahh, ok...

> > Good point. But the EOL is *years* away. Isn't this a little
> > premature, even for the "careful folk"?
> Not really. For some of the odd-ball stuff, the sooner the better
> (just ask anyone that has to keep a VAX going that uses the Pro3x0-
> based console).

  Eeeek! Yes, you have a point! 8-)

     -Dave McGuire
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 12:26:24 BST

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