DIY cleanbox (was: MicroVAX equipment

From: Clint Wolff <>
Date: Fri Jul 20 15:55:12 2001

Excellent suggestion! When I worked a Maxtor, they were building
a production line out of "mini-enviroments", which are basically
what you describe except there was about a 1 foot opening the full
width of the cabinet at the front you could put your hands in.
The sides were also open so material could be passed from one
workstation to the next. The idea was the ultra-clean air inside
the mini-E would exhaust through the opening in the front,
preventing external particulates from entering.

To work in one you only needed gloves, sleeves, and a anti-static
(or static-disipative?) jacket. The whole production line was
inside a clean-ish, but since the material never left the
mini-enviroments until it was closed, it didn't matter too much...


On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Chuck McManis wrote:
> > Actually you can make a clean room fairly easily with a 10 gallon aquarium
> > tank and a blower.
> For those who are too lazy, or of dubious skill with hand tools, Harbor
> Freight Tools sells extremely cheap (<$100) abrasive blast cabinets that
> reguire little modification to match chuck's description.
> They have a door that needs only a little more weatherstripping, a window,
> and attached gloves. The gloves might be a little too heavy for the
> purpose, but could be cut and spliced to install lighter weight ones.
> Add a good fan and some filters, . . .
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 15:55:12 BST

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