RSX11M+ v3.0 Distribution

From: Jerome Fine <>
Date: Sat Jul 21 08:38:54 2001

>Megan wrote:

> >Please keep us posted and contact Megan - I suspect that she will be able
> >to take care of all of the legal hassle for you (and everyone else).
> I certainly cannot take care of any legal hassles... but the license
> clearly states 'RSX-11M PLUS V3.0 or prior'. As with the V5.3
> distribution, people who take it are on their honor NOT to use it
> in violation of the license. This is no different.

Jerome Fine replies:

Thank you for pointing this out again. I hope that we all attempt to
abide by your advice. Please also be aware that there is work in
progress (UNPAID by PDP-11 users who were or are still using
PDP-11 operating systems and real hardware - so it is taking much
longer than expected) to extend the hobby license. While it was
expected to be finished by now, hopefully by the end of this year?

> Well, it may be a moot point... I just checked the old address where
> the software was available
> (
> and it cannot be found...
> It would appear the contents of gatekeeper have be drastically
> reduced...

As far as I can tell, you may have the wrong URL. The following
sites still seem active:
for the file
And the other is:
for the file

If you and William King can get directly in touch, I hope the two of you
can arrange to get the RSX11M+ V3.00 zipped ready for posting!

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 08:38:54 BST

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