I am pretty sure this show, which will undoubtedly be typical
over-sensationalized Learning Channel tripe, is the one where I supplied
many old computers for filming, including an Altair, Imsai, Apple ][,
TRS-80, PET, etc. There may also be semi-sihouletted shots of me typing
on a keyboard.
It's set to air Wednesday (tomorrow) at 10pm on The Learning Channel.
It features John Draper (a.k.a. Cap'n Crunch, a.k.a. freaky weirdo whom
you should cross the street to avoid), Steve Wozniak, and Kevin Mitnick.
Why Woz is included in this group is not entirely clear, but the producers
of the show are British, so that could explain things :) It has a lot to
do with the blue box of course, but Kevin Mitnick is a criminal thug, and
Woz is just Woz.
TLC used to be a great channel to actually LEARN stuff on. But I think I
know enough about high-speed chases and asshole cops already. Can we move
on to another subject, please?
As great as it is, Junkyard Wars doesn't redeem the channel. All the cool
stuff is on The History Channel these days :)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Tue Jul 24 2001 - 11:25:57 BST