Personally, I've had really good luck lately with TDK 80min. media. I get the
stuff in bulk at work, and it runs about $0.60 each with slim jewel case when
bought in 100-packs from CDW. I've never had read or write errors with it,
and I've used it to copy Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX media, in addition to more
normal things.
Sellam Ismail said:
> On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Carlini, Antonio wrote:
> > Personally, I have only had one read-failure in several hundred burns.
> > That's not counting a few coasters along the way - this was a partial
> > read-failure some six months to a year later when I came to use the
> > CD.
> Wait ten or twenty years, and then make your assessment. That's what Tim
> is concerned with.
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
- Dan Wright
-] ------------------------------ [-] -------------------------------- [-
``Weave a circle round him thrice, / And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honeydew hath fed, / and drunk the milk of Paradise.''
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan
Received on Tue Jul 24 2001 - 13:34:39 BST