--- "Cini, Richard" <RCini_at_congressfinancial.com> wrote:
> Ethan:
> >>I take it the day of the week display is part of the flourescent,
> >>not LEDs behind the "Sun...Sat" labels, right?
> Yes, this is the case. I would guess that the LSI multiplexes the
> digits without any other drivers. The DOW labels are probably treated as
> segments of a 7th digit by the LSI
That sounds kinda wierd but I guess it might work that way. The block
diagram on page A-7 suggests that it might be so. As I said, I've never
tried to play with direct drive of a VFD. Any ideas what the voltages are?
The block diagram shows +16V and +32V unreg. and +5V, +10V and -10V reg.
I'm sure +/-10V goes to the 1488/1489 set. I suppose that the unreg. voltages
go to the display.
Thanks for the manual scan, BTW. I had some difficulty viewing it - the .GIF
files came out blank on my browser and greyed out in WinBlows Imaging. I
had to tell the software to use a 24-bit palette to get a B&W image to show
up. :-P
Another question: where is the alarm indicator mentioned on page 3-8? I
didn't see anywhere on the cover pic that suggested where another word might
I'm already trying to figure out how to do a custom font for a 20x4 character
display with 8 whopping programmable characters. I need one just for the
day of the week.
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Received on Tue Jul 24 2001 - 15:32:02 BST