WTB: Epson HX-40 in working order

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed Jul 25 09:23:46 2001

--- Paul Braun <nerdware_at_laidbak.com> wrote:
> Hey, group.
> A friend of mine just acquired one of those big programmable
> highway emergency signs (the one with the little flourescent flip
> segments).

Does the Highway Department know? ;-)

I've always wanted to play with that sort of thing. The flippy segments
are cool, but several square feet of LEDs is cool, too. I wouldn't do it
with a mechanical display, but an electronic one would make a cool binary


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Received on Wed Jul 25 2001 - 09:23:46 BST

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