--- Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com> wrote:
> > Anybody have MDL compiler? I'll get back into PDP-10 hacking if I can
> > find one.
> There's been discussion about it over on alt.sys.pdp10; not being a
> Zorkaphile, I haven't been following the discussion very closely...
Thanks. I have access to an XKL-10 for regression testing of my zDungeon
port of Zork to the Inform language, but the binary I have is several
puzzles out of date (no Royal Puzzle, no Canary, no Bank, and, a few more).
It's about 18 months older than the final version that was cut before
the crew left to found Infocom.
Of course, if anyone has a newer binary of Zork for the PDP-10, I'd welcome
that, too.
I'll go check out Deja.com and see what I can see on it. Thanks for the tip.
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Received on Thu Jul 26 2001 - 13:18:59 BST