> Yep that monitor looks a lot like one I have... but mine has a logo
> that says "LexiData", I think. It has 10 BNC connectors (separate
> sync, and a set of pass-through connectors I guess).
I worked at Lexidata from 82-84. They should have been up there with
Sun and Apollo, but they made some bad business decisions. Lexidata
had the patent for the h/w implementation of Z-buffering and should
have 'owned' the solids modeling market. The monitor (from memory)
should have 2 sets of R G B Vs Hs, which accounts for the 10 bnc
connectors. Internally it could probably take sync from the green
bnc. It is almost certainly 1280x1024 and might be non-interlaced
as Lexidat was either the first or one of the very first to have
1280x1024x60 controllers.
Thanks for the memories and I hope this is useful
Charles Richmond
Manager of Kernel Development
* Charles Richmond _at_ Sitara Networks *
* cmr_at_sitaranetworks.com cmr_at_iisc.com cmr_at_acm.org *
* 52 Second Avenue Suite 200, Waltham, MA 02451 *
* (781) 487 5919 FAX (781) 684 8291 Cellular (617) 504 3379 *
Received on Fri Jul 27 2001 - 07:31:12 BST