> The Enhanced Apple IIe has the mini-assembler built-in. From the monitor,
> type an exclamation point and press RETURN. I am not sure about the IIc's
> or IIgs's, but I would guess they support it the same way.
> If you boot a DOS 3.3 System Master, it loads the language card with
> Integer BASIC and the rest, including the mini-assembler.
> I have some information about the Apple II ROMS, including the
> mini-assembler source code, at
> http://people.delphi.com/paulrsm/6502/6502.htm
Shure about that ?
The Apple ][ had a dissassembler and mini assembler in it's
ROMs, while starting with the ][+, or to be more correct,
with introduction of the Autostart ROM/Applesoft ROM the
mini assembler had been removed (together with the Sweet16
interpreter, some Monitor commands and some other usefull
I still remember that one of my first long session on my brand
new A][+ in 1979 was to key in the mini assembler from the ROM
listings and modify it to run in memory (address changes) ...
It took me almost two days without sleep - and soon threafter
I got a small loan to buy two disk drives - working from cassette
did work fine on a KIM with quite small programms, but on the
Apple with huge, one, two or sometimes 3 KILOBYTE programmes
was a different task :))
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Fri Jul 27 2001 - 12:28:45 BST