Terry Collins skrev:
>Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
>> just how much has been lost to time in the onslaught of Microsoft and Unix
>> (the two worst things to happen to the industry but some might argue about
>> the Unix bit 8-)
>At the risk of pandering to a troll, what were/are the alternatives?
The Mac /is/ an alternative, present tense. If you're using Windows, you're
just really a misguided Mac user nowadays.
>I am not interesting in hearing about MS as having had to deal with it
>for 17 years, I've lived why it was a bad thing.
>Unix - well fragmentation is the only thing I can think of, which is
>being mirrored in Linux these days.
UNIX is for masochists. I'll never get along with that system, it's so
unfriendly, it was perceived as unfriendly even back in the seventies. And it
will never conquer the desktop.
>what alternative(s) was there?
AmigaOS, BeOS, TOS.
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Haben Sie schon mal einen Wegweiser gesehen, der selbst den Weg geht, den er
--- Ludwig XV (K?nig von Frankreich, 1710-1774)
Received on Fri Jul 27 2001 - 06:15:56 BST