>I know they are not 10 years old yet but has anyone else notice the
>number of playstation one's at the thrift's lately ? They have been
>priced from 3.99 (console only) to 14.99 (complete systems). New games
>(unopened) have been $1 to $13 dollars at the thrift's here.
Not around here, if I or my wife had been we'd probably be snapping up the
lower priced ones and reselling them to one of the local places that deal
in games. Around here that's the lowend price range for a Sega Genesis
class or below system. The cheapest PSX I've seen is about $40-50.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh_at_aracnet.com (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |
Received on Sun Jul 29 2001 - 12:32:04 BST