--- Chris Kennedy <chris_at_mainecoon.com> wrote:
> Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > I have a couple later Type IIs, one 1975 and one 1976 Microbus. They use
> > the same engine as a Porche 914, but, OTOH, I have heard the 914 decried
> > as not a "true" Porche.
> Is that the 356-derived engine rather than the "standard" VW engine?
What's in mine is that factory-standard engine. When I go to get gaskets
for an oil change, the package says "914 2.0L engine".
> It's true, most people don't think of 914's as "real" Porsches, except in
> the 2.7 and 916 variants, which used 911 engines. I'm obviously
> guilty of that, since I didn't even consider the 914 (or the 924, for
> that matter) when I composed my original reply :-(
I figured you didn't. That's why I had to respond.
> Then again, if it's got liquid cooling in more than its heads I don't
> tend to think of it as a "real" Porsche...
No liquid cooling at all in a 1975 or 1976 microbus. Air and oil, and don't
run low on oil.
ObClassicCmp: my first direct exposure to analog computers was the
300-component computer for the fuel injection in this beast. I have some
basic test procedures, but right now, the 1975 isn't operating because the
previous owner (a teenager) tried to fix a high idle problem by tweaking
every knob and screw that could be frobbed. The salesdrone at the lot
told me that it idled fast - I started it, listened to it, then reached
down and pulled on the pedal. The hinge was broken on one side and rusty
on the other. It would stick, preventing it from returning to the full
upright position. I even splurged on stainless mounting hardware... total
cost to repair _that_ problem (of many) - less than $9. Now if only the
rest of the fuel injection system was as easy to debug. I don't think it's
a computer problem, per se, but a sensor/wiring/out-of-adjustment problem.
It's kinda like hacking a black box. Poke here and there and see what falls
out the other side.
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Received on Mon Jul 30 2001 - 17:34:23 BST