On July 30, Russ Blakeman wrote:
> And where in the US (other than maybe a private track or open desert) do you
> do 190 mph? Lats time I bounced my speedo off the 150 peg in my 70
Certain thinly-patrolled stretches of Route 95 between DC and
Georgia. However I'll be the first to admit that I don't do that very
often...this country is full of egomaniacal cops who are too lazy,
scared, or inexperienced to actually [gasp] CATCH CRIMINALS...so they
bitch about how people drive instead.
> Roadrunner GTX in the way-out secluded desert (about 1978) I got nailed by a
> state trooper and the fine kept me from buying gas for a few weeks. He
> clocked me at 162 on radar, freshly cal'd. Nice to have that speed but it
> really serves no purpose on the highways.
"Serves no purpose" is an interesting concept. My grandmother (who
was a VERY wise woman) taught me that the only NEEDS in life are to
paying taxes and dying. Everything else is optional.
Dave McGuire
Laurel, MD
Received on Mon Jul 30 2001 - 17:37:50 BST