OT: Cheap cars (was: 1%...)

From: Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Mon Jul 30 18:33:58 2001

Your Porsche with a 2.0L does that type of flat out speed - me thinks much
of it's abilities are in both the timing and gearing as my Ranger p/u has a
2.0 and 90 is pretty much it on the open road, but I could probably put your
Porsche on the back and carry it without problem. Of course my Ranger is
basically a Mazda with a different trim and other parts.

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
-> [mailto:owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of Dave McGuire
-> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 4:34 PM
-> To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
-> Subject: Re: OT: Cheap cars (was: 1%...)
-> On July 30, R. D. Davis wrote:
-> > Let's see if I can help to mediate this dispute... I think what Ethan
-> > probably meant to say was that a Porsche is an overpriced Beetle with
-> > a bigger engine and a squished body, which you should be able to
-> > demonstrate to him the next time that he's in your area. :-) However,
-> > I have to agree that a Porsche is overpriced, as I've seen US cars
-> > with even bigger engines and special handling packages, that cost much
-> > less, leave Porsches in the dust at stoplights. The look on the face
-> > of a Porsche owner when an ancient rusting hulk of a US automobile
-> > embarrasses him by leaving him in the dust like that is quite funny to
-> > observe. ROFL!!!
-> Ahh, you've missed the entire point. Porsches aren't muscle cars.
-> There's more to cars than huge raw horsepower...sure a 70's camaro
-> with a 6.6 under the hood will toast my 911 off the line...but he'll
-> have to slow down to 25 to take the sharp turns that I take every day
-> at 60-70. And that very same 6.6-powered camaro will start to shake
-> itself apart at around 120-130, while I can trivially take my 911
-> clear up to 180 before I only back down because I'm pissing in my
-> pants.
-> I've seen that look of embarrassment on Porsche owners' faces before
-> too...but only the ones who've mistaken their Porsches for muscle
-> cars.
-> I've owned two 911s...Knock 'em all you want, but drive one for a
-> while before you do so. Otherwise, and I mean this respectfully, you
-> frankly have no idea what you're talking about.
-> -Dave
-> --
-> Dave McGuire
-> Laurel, MD
Received on Mon Jul 30 2001 - 18:33:58 BST

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