California Computer Systems (S-100)

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Mon Jul 30 22:13:01 2001

Assuming the machine is complete it should be operable as I had two
(gave one away) and the one I still have still works quite fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Glassburn <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, July 30, 2001 10:40 PM
Subject: California Computer Systems (S-100)

>I am a novice to this class of computer. I have been given a near mint
>condition business CCS system with dual eight inch floppies. I am
>for some vintage references to help me learn the basics and schematics
>these vintage bus types...
>I am well aware of the historical significance of these systems, but
>have seen or used one before...
>I am a certified PC technician, and have had much experience with PC's
>I am excited to get this machine and would like to preserve it. This
>includes manuals and schematics -- but I need an "S-100 for Dummies"
type of
>reference to help me get started.
>I'd be glad to forward specifics if anyone has interest and patience....
>Any replies would be appreciated...
>Very Kindly,
>Scott Glassburn
Received on Mon Jul 30 2001 - 22:13:01 BST

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