On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Michael Nadeau wrote:
> > a nuisance, but in the long run greater awareness of the hobby will result
> > in more systems being saved.
> Mike, you hit the nail right on the head. You are right on with this
> issue.
Sellam, while I understand this, and agree with you in theory - and
know that you've got the best interests computer preservation in mind,
I'm not convinced that the world works like that. Does anyone know
for certain that more systems will be saved because of a greater
awareness of the hobby? Many people are aware that some collect and
restore old cars, but that hasn't stopped our idiot governor, Paris
Spenddenning, and our state Senatocrats, here in Maryland, from
passing laws coercing junkyards to destroy any car over 10 years old
within a few days or so of its arrival.
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All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd_at_rddavis.net 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.net beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Tue Jul 31 2001 - 23:37:39 BST