Problems with posts? (was: Altair 8800 front panel lamps

From: Frank McConnell <>
Date: Sat Jun 2 22:04:33 2001

"Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" <> wrote:
> With full headers enabled in PINE, I get the following message preceding
> Marvin's post:
> [ The following text is in the "x-user-defined" character set. ]
> [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ]
> [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ]

Marvin is using Netscape for Windows. He could probably help Allison
out by looking at Netscape Messenger's View pull-down menu, somewhere
on there should be something about "Character Set" and I believe he
can use that to (a) tell it that he wants to use Western (ISO-8859-1)
and (b) make that his default character set.

Allison is using Microsoft Outlook Express. I don't know what she can
do about this at her end, but I would probably be inspired to do
something with one or more of a hammer, pliers, a soldering iron, and
FreeBSD CDs.

> Grumpy Ol' Fred

You think you're grumpy? I remember thinking that open standards like
those upon which the Internet was built would be a good thing and
enable improved communication via different e-mail systems. Instead,
here in the future we have dueling implementations of point-and-click
cubemail, where one can set things in a completely standard way that
render plain text unreadable to the other-cubemail reader on the other
end. And the cubemail users then complain about it, not to their
software vendors but out where I have to wade through it.

-Frank McConnell
Received on Sat Jun 02 2001 - 22:04:33 BST

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