ajp166 skrev:
>From: John Allain <allain_at_panix.com>
>>> ...OE users, ditch OE...
>>I certainly wouldn't reccomend 'O' over 'OE'. It was slower
>>and creepier, ie more complex and Even Less Open than
>>OE as if that was possible. PS pick Format>Plain Text
>> or Tools>Options>Send>Plain Text depending
>> on where you are. AAaack Pbffftttttffff!
>I'm not thrilled either. I could use Netscrap Communicator
>but it tends to crash. Not a good thing.
For someone as experienced as you, you certainly have a limited imagination.
Do you really think that there are only two email clients for Windows, one of
which is actually a web browser?
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Ky?suke: Jag heter Kurre, Kurre Carlsson!
Jag: Det heter du inte alls!
Received on Tue Jun 05 2001 - 18:32:52 BST