PDP-11/53+ Jumpers

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Wed Jun 6 19:54:19 2001

On Jun 6, 19:34, ajp166 wrote:
> I have a 11/73 and several 11/23s (some with clock mods for speed)
> so I'm aware of what I said. MOST early 11/53 boxen actually had 11/23B
> cpu cards (M8189).

Allison, for once I feel you're wrong. An 11/53 is a distinct processor
released a few years after the 11/73 and 11/83, as a low-cost option for
office use. When it was announced (1987), it was as a J11 processor with
separate I&D space and RAM on the processor card -- which no 11/23 has. I
never heard of one having an 11/23 as shipped by DEC.

It's listed in the 1987 PDP-11 Systems Handbook. Maybe Megan could look it
up (I believe she has a copy?)?

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Wed Jun 06 2001 - 19:54:19 BST

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