OT - Scheduling/Macro Software

From: Clint Wolff <vaxman_at_qwest.net>
Date: Mon Jun 11 18:49:43 2001

There's a program I've used called 'webcopy' (perl script) that could
be called by cron on a 1986 uVAX II running Ultrix...


PS Or you can use the 'fetch' program on a brand new 1.7 GHz Pentium
PC running FreeBSD, but that would be off topic, wouldn't it...

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Marvin wrote:

> I would like to be able to schedule a web browser to go to a site, capture
> the page,
> and save it to a file automatically once an hour. Off hand, I don't of
> anything that will do this; any ideas? Thanks.
Received on Mon Jun 11 2001 - 18:49:43 BST

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