Sol-20 and Helios pleas

From: Bob Stek <>
Date: Mon Jun 11 19:46:52 2001

Jim -

Ask and ye shall receive, knock and the Helios manual and disks shall be
made available...

I have the manual and lots of PT-DOS disks. I have never had the
opportunity to try them on my Helios. In fact a recent major
accomplishment has been getting the Helios out of storage for possible
display at VCF East. I am afraid all that my schedule will allow is
seeing if it works when connected to my Sol (and I may not have time to
do that for a few more weeks).

But you are certainly welcome to borrow the manual and disks - the
manual is about more than twice the size of the Sol manual. I could
have a copy shop do it here, but it would probably run into BIG BUCKS,
and I don't have the time to do it at work. But if you want to borrow
them, they are yours for the asking. With all your work on Solace, I
don't know anyone who would appreciate (or deserve) them more.

And, Doug, it was me who contacted Stan a year after he dumped his Sols
(and now he is S-O-L). About two years ago I did send out a mailing to
about 150 names and addresses I culled from the Proteus News and tried
to find via web-based phone directories. I eventually made contact via
email with 3 or 4 who still had their machines .... And promptly lost
their addresses after a major system crash and prior to a backup (been
there, done that).

Your Sol-brother,

Saver of Lost Sols
Received on Mon Jun 11 2001 - 19:46:52 BST

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