Looking for DEC VXT keyboard/mouse

From: Brian Roth <broth_at_heathers.stdio.com>
Date: Tue Jun 12 17:53:00 2001

Let me know if you can use an LK-401. I have dozens of them. No mice though.


On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, you wrote:
> > I am pretty sure that they will work. Do you have a spare pair?
> >
> > --tnx
> > --tom
> I think I've still got spare keyboards, the problem is I can't get to them
> right now, and it would be quite a while before I could. I don't have any
> spare mice (I only have one).
> Zane
Brian Roth   -   System Administrator
www.webwirz.com   -   Old Computer Repository 
Preoccupation is my main occupation.....     
Received on Tue Jun 12 2001 - 17:53:00 BST

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