Sellam Ismail skrev:
>On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, McFadden, Mike wrote:
>> I think they make some water cooled units, the heat is dumped into the
>> water which is then exhausted as waste. Maybe it could be attached to
>> a garden hose. Of course water and computers rarely mix well.
>Tell that to IBM. They just introduced a laptop that has an internal
>water cooling system :)
So does the Dreamcast. That doesn't stop it from having a fan as well, though.
IMO that's an abomination, who's ever heard of a console with a fan?
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Fernsehen ist das einzige Schlafmittel, das mit den Augen genommen wird.
--- Vittorio de Sica
Received on Fri Jun 15 2001 - 17:00:24 BST